About This Site


This site is a small catalog of technical documentation and personal experiences. You may find this useful, you may not.

When was this written?

Dates are posted at the top right corner of the page. It's annoying to start reading a site only to realize the referenced information is so out of date that it's irrelevant. Why are dates given in the Chinese year and Roman Numerals? Do you like not "get" art man?!? If you move your mouse cursor over the date, it should show the numerical value.


My total computer usage time in school from Kindergarten to High School Graduation totaled about 4 hours. I used a 1950s model (non electric for you spoiled kids) Royal typewriter to type up my term papers (in the 1990s mind you). I discovered the Internet in college, and became fascinated with making web pages. I was able to afford my first computer, then entered the Computer Science program the next year.

After college, I got a job as a "computer guy" for a company. This lead me to do things like build the computers, design and implement the network, system and database administration, firewall and program maintenance. Aside from that I've created a few program solutions for the company. I'm a Jack of all trades, master of none.

Databases I've Worked With

Operating System Experience

Programing Language Proficient

Programming Languages I've "encountered"


NPC Company