Solar X2

As I'm discussing colors, using the color scheme as the layout seemed like a good idea. Color use in an application is subjective, but some studies show black and white are often not the best. Easiest on the eyes is generally a lighter tan color with nearly black text. After using it for a while I became convinced it's true. I came across one scheme called Solarized which I took a liking to, but didn't quite have the contrast I wanted. I made some adjustments, and this is what I currently use.

Color Normal Intense
Red #DC322F#CB4B16
Yellow #B58900#DFBF66
Black #073642#002B36
White #EEE8D5#FDF6E3
Green #859900#64BE85
Cyan #2AA198#22BBBB
Magenta #D33682#6C71C4
Blue #268BD2#2787FF

  Example Terminal session (dark):

  Terminal Forground: #77919E
  Terminal Background: #002B36 

   Normal Red        Bold Red
   Normal Yellow     Bold Yellow
   Normal Black      Bold Black
   Normal White      Bold White
   Normal Green      Bold Green
   Normal Cyan       Bold Cyan
   Normal Magenta    Bold Magenta
   Normal Blue       Bold Blue

  Example Terminal session (light):

  Terminal Forground: #002B36
  Terminal Background: #FDF6E3

   Normal Red        Bold Red
   Normal Yellow     Bold Yellow
   Normal Black      Bold Black
   Normal White      Bold White
   Normal Green      Bold Green
   Normal Cyan       Bold Cyan
   Normal Magenta    Bold Magenta
   Normal Blue       Bold Blue

HEX R / G / B H / S / L
Foreground: #77919E119 / 145 / 158133 / 040 / 130
Background: #002B36000 / 043 / 054128 / 240 / 025
Red: #DC322F220 / 050 / 047001 / 182 / 134
Red Bold: #CB4B16203 / 075 / 022012 / 205 / 113
Yellow: #B58900181 / 137 / 000032 / 255 / 091
Yellow Bold: #DFBF66223 / 191 / 102031 / 167 / 163
Black: #073642007 / 054 / 066128 / 194 / 034
Black Bold: #002B36000 / 043 / 054128 / 240 / 025
White: #EEE8D5238 / 232 / 213032 / 108 / 226
White Bold: #FDF6E3253 / 246 / 227031 / 221 / 240
Green: #859900133 / 153 / 000048 / 255 / 077
Green Bold: #64BE85100 / 190 / 133101 / 104 / 145
Cyan: #2AA198042 / 161 / 152124 / 149 / 102
Cyan Bold: #22BBBB034 / 187 / 187128 / 177 / 111
Magenta: #D33682211 / 054 / 130234 / 163 / 133
Magenta Bold: #6C71C4108 / 113 / 196168 / 109 / 152
Blue: #326BD2038 / 139 / 210137 / 166 / 117
Blue Bold: #2778FF039 / 125 / 255144 / 240 / 138

Color Scheme for Putty

Colors in Putty require manual entries, per saved session. The only way of importing the scheme is to use registry imports (save text to a file named .reg , and import it). Change the session name listed ( to whatever your session is named.

Color Scheme for XTerm