Image Magick is a graphics library / command line suite for graphics manipulation. It's powerful, but can be tough visualizing operations without a gui. Graphics after all, are graphical and thus best tackled with a program like Photoshop. But if you need to do repeditive things and expect computers to do things like... what they were intended (make things easier), Image Magick is a good start.
This page mainly deals with the command line programs. Image Magick has bindings for most common programming language.
Image Magick also had a developer split, which created a competing project called Graphics Magick. I haven't really messed with that.
This program lets you extract useful information about an image. This can be useful on a server where you not have a graphical interface to see an image, but still might need to know things like how wide an image is. The usage is simple enough to say, "go read the man page". An easy look at image properties is:
identify -ping $file.jpg
The core program for manipulating images is simply called "convert".