On ZFS it's best to align the record size if using inodb.
First create a zfs mount point. Then:
zfs set recordsize=16k zroot/database
Set ZFS caching to metadata only for this directory. ZFS caches things in memory
however mysql is already doing this. (Also true for Posgresql)
zfs set primarycache=metadata zroot/database
Also skip the innodb double write buffer (zfs makes this unneccesary): in my.cnf
innodb_doublewrite = no
Determine your database directory, then change ownership to mysql user before trying to start the server.
Also set a password for the root user:
$ mysqladmin -u root password SeCrEt
Display what's currently running on a mysql server. This is pretty handy if you're running myisam tables and want to see what's blocking transactions.
Users are added via CREATE USER and deleted via DROP USER.
Users are stored in the mysql.users table which shows authentication information for an account, but does not show permissions.